Tuesday, October 6, 2009

With Love from Me to You

I am one of those people. You know the type. I am a wonderful friend but mess up once and I am done. Something about my personality begs people to use and abuse me. I used to let the anger and hate consume me. I would hang on to my hurt feelings. Yesterday I turned over a new leaf. I am going to forgive. I may never be friends with some of the people that I have broken ties with but I am going to forgive them. I am going to move on with my life and not let it bother me anymore. Don't get me wrong, most of these people have truly done some heinous things to me, but I am making a choice to get over it. I realized that most of these people I have been harboring anger towards, number one don't care, and number two have let it go and don't let it bother them anymore. I was the only one hurt about it in the first place and I was the only one hanging on to it and still thinking about it. So now I feel better. I think this is a positive step. I want to share my big heart with everyone. On the outside chance that any of those people that think they might fall into the category of people I was previously writing about read this: Let's get back in touch. Lets put the past behind us and move on. I have lost too many friends (some over dumb stuff, others over really sh!tty hurtful things). If you are one of the select few that I will not forgive, you will figure it out if you try to contact me. Others I would love to catch up with. I am hoping that everything bad evens out with good eventually. So far I have overcome huge hurtles in my life and have suffered through betrayals and being treated horrible by "friends". But look at my life. The worst part about it is my job and the fact that I never feel like I have enough time with my wonderful husband. I am 23 and I have everything I ever wanted in my life. Not many people can say that. So to everyone reading. I send you my love. To those who want to become friends (for the first time or again) please call, message, or whatever. I hope this reaches a few people (maybe people on my old sh!t list). I am moving forward. Come with me.